
2024-2025 本科目录 | 20253






地理、B.S. 主要的

要求GPA: 2.25






Select 3 courses from the following, or related upper
division courses as approved in advance by advisor:


Select 1 of the following courses:

Program Learning Outcomes | 地理、B.S. 

1. Geographic Understanding: Students will have an understanding of the nature of 地理位置 as an academic discipline, including familiarity with its history and principal sub-fields, concepts are introduced in Geog 1400, 核心课程.

2. Thematic Geographic Knowledge: Students will demonstrate understanding of 地理位置 as a spatial science within its various sub-disciplines.

  2.1. Competence in the Basic Concepts of Human 地理位置: Students will show proficiency in this area by meeting specific performance metrics in Geog 2200 and another upper division Human 地理位置 Elective.

  2.2. Competence in the Basic Concepts of Physical 地理位置: Students will show proficiency in this area by meeting performance metrics in Geog 2100 and another upper division Physical 地理位置 Elective.

  2.3. Competence in the Basic Concepts of Economic 地理位置: Students will show proficiency in this area by meeting performance metrics in Geog 2300. 

  2.4. Competence in the Basic Concepts of Planning: Students will show proficiency in this area by meeting performance metrics in Geog 2400 and another upper division Planning 课程. 

3. Understanding the Basic Concepts of Geospatial Analysis: Students will show proficiency in this area by meeting performance metrics all classes requiring both quantitative and qualitative analysis.

  3.1. Demonstrate confidence with 地理信息系统 Software: Demonstrate a competency in selected geographic techniques and/or methods: Relevant 课程: Geog3231, Geog3232, 地理的4275.

  3.2. Apply 地理信息系统 skills in a related 地理位置 Course: Demonstrate the ability to use and integrate 地理信息系统 into research and project development non-地理信息系统 classes.

4. Basic Understanding of Regional Concepts: Students will appreciate how 地理位置’s unique spatial perspective is essential for understanding historical, 文化, and demographic patterns in different world regions. Upper Division Regional courses, Geog3810, 3820, 3830, 3850.

5. Effective Communication: Students will display competency in written expression with respect to clarity, 逻辑表达式, 有效论证.

6. General Geographic Research Skills: Students will apply basic research skills, including the ability to {a} critically evaluate the research of others and {b} develop a coherent, thoughtful analysis of these findings. (Typically applies to shorter paper projects, not full term projects for the assessment criteria)

  6.1. Competence in Geographic Research: Conceive, develop and produce a term project that involves a précis or abstract, an annotated bibliography and a review of academic literature presented in a coherent, well-developed articulate thesis or independent study project. (Assessments suited to full term projects).

7. Practical Experience - 实习: Students will acquire knowledge and skills sufficient to allow one to pursue advanced study in 地理位置 or find employment in 地理位置-related fields, including but not limited to those involving urban and regional planning.